Irene was born 5th of nine children. She used to say she was too young to hang with the older children and too old to be with the younger. She learned much of her mothering skills by taking care of the four younger children.
The family moved around a lot during her growing up years. Her father Carl Steinbronn, would buy farms/acreages, fix them up, install electricity and running water, then sell it, buy another and start the process again.
Irene attended a country school two miles from her home until her high school years where she attended the Maynard school and graduated in 1955.
Irene loved to sing! She sang for some weddings but mostly at school in choirs, plays, or at church.
After graduation she taught school grades 1-3 at St. Peters Lutheran Precocial Church For one year when she married Bernard Reinking. Five children were blessed to this union. Jeffery, Joan, Brenda, Kent and Quinton. A tragedy hit the family. When Brenda was 6 months old, she did not survive a car crash.
Needing an income and something to do, she started a pre-school at the St. Peters Lutheran church. She taught there for a few years before the idea of being a nurse took root in her heart...